We as a society seems to be very determined to pretend sex doesn't exsist.
We seem shocked and titillated by a political arena that has gotten almost explicit. or at least a penis has been hinted at.
Though in all bluntness the subject of vaginas has been much more to the forefront so to speak.
But I digress.
I tried to do a little search about a sexual fantasy I have heard mentioned and was recently depicted in a movie and from everything I found on the g rated internet such things never really happened and by implication never would.
This seems more like pandering to the people that can't handle a penis even being hinted at. Let pretend some things don't really happen.
And lets take that all the way back to just plain old sex between two people who consider themselves old enough to consent to participating in sexual contact.
And that is the key. We have established a legal definition for consent with these young people, but in reality they make choices about their bodies that have no relationship to legal understandings. It is so important to realize that they are often making choices in ignorance of psychology, physiology, as well as all the other outside information that they may need.
Lets give kids information. Lets do it in a format and venue where they are paying attention and they are listening. Lets stop being afraid that knowledge is dangerous.
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